My main research interest is oriented towards the educational institutions, how they frame the living conditions of both children and teachers. My PhD studies will focus policy and policy enactment within leasure time centers. Methodologically, I am primarily inspired by ethnography, the chosen method for my magister’s thesis which explored the ambivalence high school students in a socio-economically disadvantaged neighborhood show in relation to school and schoolwork. My professional background is as a preschool teacher, most recently working with the youngest children focusing on teaching and creating learning environments that empower children and make room for their wishes and interests. Fresh out of the master’s program in child and youth studies here at IPKL I’m both glad and humbled to be a part of the institution.
Jag arbetar halvtid ute i verksamheten och är sedan några år tillbaka på Kronaskolan i Ale kommun. Vi har elever i årskurserna F – 6 från både grundskola och särskola. Just nu har jag en tjänst som utvecklingsledare för fritidshemmen på skolan. Har tidigare arbetat nitton år som fritidspedagog i Partille kommun.
Vad var det som lockade dig att söka till IPKL?
Jag har haft äran att ta emot många studenter genom åren som VFU-handledare. Utbildningen har alltid legat mig varmt om hjärtat. Det som fick mig att söka var möjligheten att få vara med och utveckla våra blivande grundlärare med inriktning mot fritidshem. De behövs verkligen där ute!
Vad ser du fram emot just nu?
Nu ser jag fram emot att få komma igång och träffa alla studenter och möta dem både i VFU och i HFU-kurserna. Ska även bli spännande att få utbyta erfarenheter med er nya kollegor!
Jag kommer ifrån Skytteskolan senast, där arbetade jag i 5 år. Nu kombinerar jag tjänsten på Göteborgs Universitet med undervisning i fritidshem på Assaredsskolan i Kortedala.
Vad var det som lockade dig att söka till IPKL?
Framför allt möjligheten att få kombinera de kunskaper jag har fått under ett långt arbetsliv och få förmedla dessa till studenterna men det är också ett tillfälle att fördjupa mitt eget kunnande och utvecklas vidare. Bron mellan teori och praktik ska verkligen inte underskattas!
Vad ser du fram emot just nu?
Att få komma ut till studenternas VFU-skolor och besöka de i verksamheten är det jag är mest sugen på just nu. Det är också fantastiskt roligt med nya kollegor där en kan diskutera fritidspedagogisk undervisning ur flera perspektiv.
Från en postdoktjänst i sociologi på Örebro universitet. Där följeforskade jag kring ett breddat rekryteringsinitiativ som har arbetat i många år för att inspirera elever till högre studier på högstadieskolor med väldigt olika förutsättningar.
Vad var det som lockade dig att söka till IPKL?
Projektet ”skolan som brottsplats” var den främsta dragkraften. Under min avhandlingstid blev jag intresserad av hur skolan bäst kunde kompensera för uppväxtvillkoren i socialt utsatta områden. Fältarbetet i Örebro synliggjorde sedan på hur olika sätt skolor hanterade problem som uppstod bland elever och vilka konsekvenser det kunde få. Projektet på IPKL framstod som en spännande möjlighet att fördjupa mig i dessa frågor.
Vad ser du fram emot just nu?
Att lära känna mina nya kollegor och komma igång med projektet!
This is Kalliopi Moraiti, one of our new PhD-students
My underground degree was in Home Economics and Ecology (Harokopio University of Athens), which I completed in 2016. During my bachelor’s degree, I was an Erasmus student for two semesters at the Faculty of Economics and Geography (University of West Bohemia in the Czech Republic). Returning to Harokopio University I helped co-found a non-governmental organization of Erasmus Student Network named ESN-Haro. After graduating I conducted an Erasmus internship at the Greek Parents Association in Gothenburg where I was teaching the Greek language and the subject of Home Economics and Ecology. In 2017, I started the International Master of Educational Research at Gothenburg University. My master dissertation explored education for sustainable development through play-based learning in early childhood. During this study period, I worked as a preschool teacher in a Greek and English school. After graduating I conducted another Erasmus internship as a research assistant at Dublin City University (Centre of Human Rights and Global Citizenship) where I was engaged in projects regarding Climate Change Education.
In September 2020, I was delighted to be accepted as a PhD student in education within the research area of Learning and IT. I’m working at IPKL within the BALANCED project. I am very enthusiastic to be an active member of an academic community again. My research interests include; equality in education, teacher agency, professional learning, digitalization in schools, and digital platforms.
In my personal life, I like traveling, volunteering, and spending quality time with friends and my sisters.
Hans-Åke är samverkansdoktorand med intresse för bildning och folkhögskolor
I have since more than fifteen years, in addition to my work as a teacher and principal of the folk high school, studied at Karlstad University on premaster’s and master’s programmes in educational work.
Through the various projects and development processes I have participated in as an educator and leader, I have become increasingly interested in investigating conditions, practices, discourses and cultures in the pedagogical field with a focus on the positions and dilemmas of educators and managers and, not least, the development, change, idea base and practice of educational organizations.
My field of interest when I entry the PhD-studies is the practical implications of the concept ”Bildung” and the civic society organizations in Sweden, study-organizations and folk high schools, role in building a democratic infrastructure in the society. In the study I´ve planned to carry out I will be putting a critical view on the established discourse in these matters and try to pay attention to difficulties and tensions that will occur when different institutional logics collide.
I am driven by reviewing and exposing to understand more and perhaps be able to demonstrate factors that give an increased reflexivity of the practitioners for the teaching conditions of pedagogical work in popular education, especially with bearing on the emancipatory and democracy-developing mission of popular education has been assigned. In my previous studies I have based on a critical approach and reviewed supposed-reality images with the aim of producing a basis for professional reflection on the pedagogical practice.
Since 2017 I work as an education consultant at Västra Götaland’s Education Association, VGB, with a special assignment from the independent study-organizations and the movement-owned folk high schools in Västra Götaland. During this time, I have also been active in the construction of an organized cooperation between the organized popular education in Västra Götaland and the Faculty of Education at GU. I´m very glad that my board have given me the opportunity to join IPKL as a doctoral student as a part of my ordinary work.
Anna-Lena, ny doktorand i Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap
During the last three years I have worked as a lecturer at University West in Trollhättan. I have a degree of bachelor in sociology and a degree of master in child and youth studies. I’m interested in children’s own perspectives on living in vulnerable life situations. I am also interested in children’s rights, participation and influence. I have a professional background as a social worker with focus on children and families. Focus in my phd studies will be on violence and precariousness among children in leisure time centers. I find it both exciting and challenging to start this work. I’m glad to be a part of IPKL.
Här är våra 11 nya doktorander på introduktionsmöte i zoom idag – de kommer presentera sig mer efter hand här i bloggen
IPKL har glädjen att hälsa 11 nya doktorander välkomna. Vi har haft två antagningsomgångar, dels innan sommaren då vi antog fyra doktorander i forskarskolan PRECEC och en doktorand i barn- och ungdomsvetenskap, dels nu i augusti då vi antog tre doktorander i pedagogik och ytterligare en i barn- och ungdomsvetenskap. Vi har också två doktorander, en i pedagogik och en i barn- och ungdomsvetenskap, genom enskild antagning. Intresset för forskarutbildning inom institutionens områden fortsätter att vara stort. Sammanlagt 249 ansökningar lämnades in som svar på de två utlysningarna, och även om några kandidater sökt fler än en anställning, så är det en bra bit över 200 kandidater som anmält sitt intresse för forskarstudier. Glädjande är också att fakulteten som helhet antagit sammanlagt 40 doktorander, vilket är en markant ökning. En konsekvens av detta är också att våra möjligheter att ha ett diversifierat och stimulerande kursutbud med många doktorander ökar. Vår seminarie- och kollegieverksamhet får också välkomna tillskott av nya perspektiv och forskningsfrågor.
I started my path as a PhD student at the Department of Education, Communication and Learning in January 2020. Just half a year before that I graduated from the International Master’s Program in IT and Learning, so I was very excited to come back to the Department in a new role.
I joined the SOCDEX project that is led by Thomas Hillman and Markus Nivala. The project aims to explore how online communities contribute to the development of expertise in programming. I am interested in the forms of peer feedback in such communities and the role that they play in expertise development practices.
It has been very enriching experience so far and I look forward to the fall semester to continue with the project, meet my colleagues (hopefully in person soon) and get to know new PhD students.
This is Tanya Osborne, one of our new PhD-students
My undergraduate degree was in Philosophy, with a focus on philosophy of social science, which I completed in 2009. After graduating I worked in the UK Department for Education, giving support to schools on implementing 14-19 technical education. After the body I worked for was disbanded, I worked in higher education quality assurance, and helped 4 different UK universities with their external educational audit and review processes. During this time I did a Masters Degree in Higher Education Research. I came to Sweden in 2018, and for a while I was a technical writer and editor. My real passion is Education, and I was delighted to I join IPKL as a doctoral student in January 2020.
My research focus within education is equality and technology. In particular I am interested in disability, race, and gender equality in post-16 and adult educational settings, from the perspective of epistemic ignorance. I’m working at IPKL within the BALANCED and SOCDEX projects. I am really excited to be part of an academic community again, and I am looking forward to getting to know you all better, and finding opportunities to collaborate.
In my personal life, I like music, games and calligraphy.